Invitation to a Poetry Salon on June 10th
A chance to hear two wonderful poets and interact with them.
I am excited to host poets Jessica Jacobs and Yerra Sugarman at the next salon on Monday, June 10th at 8 EST/ 7 CST. I was thrilled to see Yerra’s poem featured in today’s daily email from the Academy of American Poets in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month, and also very happy to see Yerra and her work profiled on the Academy’s website: About Yerra Sugarman | Academy of American Poets
Poet Yerra Sugarman. Photo credit: Pamela Lischin.
You can read about Yerra’s beautiful latest collection, Aunt Bird, here: The Poetry of Vicarious Witness - by Aviya Kushner ( And you can read about Jessica’s lovely latest collection, Unalone, in the most recent edition of the newsletter here: Poems About Abraham - by Aviya Kushner (
Each salon lasts one hour. Each poet will read 3-4 poems for us, and then talk about how those poems were made. I know that the making of these poems will intrigue you. Then we will open it up to your questions and comments.
It’s a chance to have a conversation with two wonderful poets.
Poet Jessica Jacobs. Photo credit: Parker J. Pfister
Zoom Information for June 10th
Here is the Zoom information—please mark your calendars for this lovely, pre-Shavuot event!
Aviya Kushner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Salon with Jessica Jacobs and Yerra Sugarman
Time: Jun 10, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 5207 3066
Passcode: 591451
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